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Top-Tier AC Repair Service in Cupertino

Three quarters of U.S. households have an air conditioning installation. These convenient machines offer great comfort, until they don’t. That is when you might find yourself searching the web for “AC repair near me” or “AC installers near me” if the unit is completely out of order. If that is what brought you here, then grab the phone and give us a call. Rooter Hero Plumbing is proud to offer quality AC repair and AC replacement in Cupertino. We also offer other HVAC services for maintaining your HVAC in Cupertino. Call Rooter Hero Plumbing now to schedule a flexible appointment or even request an emergency AC repair in Cupertino today. Our live representatives are on standby to take your call now.

HVAC Services in Cupertino, CA

Keep Your AC Running

Did you know that keeping your AC running can help it last longer? That might sound counter intuitive. Let us explain. Turning your air conditioner completely off, then turning it back on when you need, expecting it to play catch up, can put immense strain on your unit. Instead, just turn the AC down. In a weird way, this can save energy. In the same token, do not set your thermostat below the target temperature to make it cool faster. The air conditioner works on one speed. This will only overwork your system without giving you faster results.

Here are some other tips:

  • Close drapes, turn off heat-generating appliances you are not using, and switch off incandescent lights to minimize heat gain.
  • Clear away debris from around your outdoor unit for adequate air flow. Also, trim shrubs and bushes that can get in the way.
  • Clean and replace clogged filters once every few months.
  • Clean dirty evaporator coils and condenser coils at least once a year.

Schedule Your Routine Maintenance Today

If you want your air conditioner to give you effective and efficient cooling through its over-decade of service life, then you must stay on top of routine maintenance. Here are just some of the HVAC services we provide:

  • Testing refrigerant levels and testing for leaks
  • Measuring air flow
  • Checking the accuracy of the thermostat
  • Oiling motors
  • Checking the condition and tightness of belts and connections
  • Inspecting electric terminals and ensuring the heating system and cooling system cannot operate at the same time

HVAC Replacement in Cupertino, CA

Emergency Air Conditioning Replacements

It can be annoying to schedule a Cupertino AC repair only to have a technician tell you that you need to get an air conditioning replacement, but they are not equipped to get the job done. Fortunately, Rooter Hero Plumbing offers repairs as well as replacements. Our qualified technicians are experienced, regularly trained, and fully equipped to take care of your air conditioning issue the first time around. Call now to consult with a representative and let us know what you need.

Request an Emergency Dispatch

We want you to be comfortable in your home or business. This is why we offer emergency AC repair in Cupertino. Call now to speak with a live representative.

Heating Repair | Heating Unit Replacement | Furnace Repair | Furnace Replacement

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