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This is not a how to succeed in business book. It is a how not to screw up your life book: Temporarily Broken: The John Akhoian Story.

Temporarily Broken: The John Akhoian Story

"Not having money is a problem, and having too much money is also a problem. When you’re 19 and walking around with more money than the average person, it goes to your head. My teen years were the time when I needed my dad the most. I know he would have gotten me off the street and away from these illegal activities. But dad was gone, and it was open season on ripping people off, using drugs, and hanging out with the corrupt underbelly of humanity...”

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“Vatche pulled a sawed-off shotgun from under his trench coat and made sure we saw it. 'We’re gonna cruise Hollywood Boulevard,' he said emphatically, 'Their gang killed two of ours, so we’re going to kill four of theirs...'"

When John Akhoian was 17, he saw his father die before his eyes. From then on, his life was in a downward spiral as adversity and poverty started knocking on the door, and John made some bad choices.

To some, John Akhoian leads a charmed life. He is the owner of Rooter Hero Plumbing, the largest privately owned plumbing company in California. He is an industry leader, entrepreneur, philanthropist, and a father blessed with a beautiful family. 

With excellent storytelling that will keep you listening, John Akhoian opens up and shares his darkest memories to show you that people can change and change for the better.

Listeners who loved the books Can't Hurt Me, After All..., and An Invisible Thread will also enjoy Temporarily Broken, an inspiring, powerful, and life-changing story.

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