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Jun 19, 2019 Stay Cool This Summer With These AC Tips

Warmer months are ahead of us friends! Which means fun in the sun, BBQ’s, beach days, and more. It also means you may be running your AC more frequently. Naturally the more you...

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Sep 16, 2019 AC Is Not Cooling - Why Your AC Isn't Keeping You Cool

August and September are usually the hottest months of the year in Southern California and much of the western region. During the end of the summer, you may find yourself running...

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Aug 26, 2021
Air Conditioning Myths That Might Be Costing You Money

Whether you want to save money or know the truth about air conditioning, this article is for you. In this article brought to you by Rooter Hero ...

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Dec 23, 2021
Reasons Your AC System Is Not Blowing Cold Air

Your HVAC system is likely the biggest home appliance investment you will make, and for good reason. The HVAC unit is complex and life-changing, ...

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Feb 10, 2022
Factors That Affect Air Conditioning Efficiency

Space heating and cooling use up a lot of energy, with some estimates showing the HVAC is responsible for half of a household’s energy ...

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Mar 04, 2022 How To Help Your Air Conditioner

You may not think about it often, but your heating, ventilation, and air conditioning system is working around-the-clock to make your living space habitable. It is helping you in...

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Mar 11, 2022 Air Conditioning Myths That are Costing You Money

With prices going up in almost every aspect of life, it is a good time to revisit your budget. There are many places to make cuts, but we will focus on energy consumption here. ...

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Apr 08, 2022
Top Reasons Your AC System Is Not Blowing Cold Air

You are not asking your air conditioner for much. All you want is cold air on demand. Sometimes, however, that air is barely blowing and feels ...

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May 12, 2022
Benefits of Air Conditioning Preventative Maintenance

Your air conditioner works hard to make your living space comfortable. You owe it to yourself to help your air conditioner help you. In this ...

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Jun 18, 2022
Tips on How to Control Indoor Humidity

Do you ever feel sweaty even though you’re indoors and haven’t done anything physical? It might be the humidity. Unfortunately, ...

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Jul 17, 2022 How to Know What Size AC I Need

At Rooter Hero Plumbing, we enjoy helping our local clients improve the efficiency and longevity of their HVAC systems. We offer air conditioning repair and air conditioner ...

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Jul 28, 2022 How to Prevent Indoor Air Pollutants

You would think that you are safe in your home or business with the doors and windows locked and secure, but some of the biggest threats come in small sizes. We are talking about...

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Aug 24, 2022
The Biggest Air Conditioning Myths Costing You Money

With inflation on everyone’s mind, customers have been asking us about ways to save money on cooling and heating. These make up a big bulk ...

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Sep 27, 2022
Don’t Do These to Your Air Conditioners

Air conditioning units are delicate pieces of equipment that require regular maintenance and repairs to keep them running smoothly and efficiently...

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Nov 07, 2022
Ways to Improve Air Conditioner Efficiency and Save Money

The air conditioning system in your home or office can be a big energy drain. It can cost you hundreds of dollars per year, if not more. At Rooter...

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Jan 08, 2023 How to Choose the Best AC Unit

One of the most important investments you can make in your home is to install a central air conditioning unit. Not only will it help keep your family cool, but it will also help ...

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Feb 26, 2023 Can an HOA Restrict Air Conditioners?

The short answer to this question: Yes, homeowner’s associations (HOA) can restrict the type of air conditioner you are allowed to install. These agreements can even ...

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Jun 07, 2023
The Benefits of a Clean Condenser Coil

Regular maintenance is important if we want to keep our homes functioning smoothly and efficiently. Among the top of the list of essential home ...

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Jul 21, 2023
Best AC Temperature For Sleeping

Everyone understands the importance of a good night's sleep, yet it can often be a challenge to achieve. What if we told you that one secret ...

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Aug 06, 2023
4 Factors That Affect Air Conditioning Performance

Air conditioning plays an essential role in maintaining comfortable living and working environments, especially in the heat of the summer months. ...

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Aug 14, 2023 Energy-Efficient Ways to Cool Your Home

During the scorching summer months, homeowners are often faced with the dilemma of keeping their living spaces cool without adversely affecting the environment or their finances...

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Aug 27, 2023 Tips to Keep Your Air Conditioner Running Smoothly

At Rooter Hero Plumbing & Air, we provide reliable services for local customers including AC repair and maintenance tasks. An air conditioner can act as a lifeline during hot...

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Oct 30, 2023
Carbon Monoxide and Your Home

We all love the idea of a cozy home, especially when it’s cold outside, but lurking within that comfort could be a silent menace called ...

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May 02, 2024
Is It Bad to Run Your AC All Day?

Is It Bad to Run Your AC All Day? There's no denying that the scorching days of summer can make us grateful for the cool comfort of our air ...

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May 27, 2024
Can a Boiler Explode from Overheating?

Has your boiler suddenly started making strange noises? You may ignore it at first, but if the noise becomes louder, you’ll probably start ...

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Jul 08, 2024 Tips to Maintain Your AC Unit During the Summer

When the sweltering summer heat hits, the last thing you want is for your air conditioning unit to break down. At Rooter Hero Plumbing & Air, we know it’s important to ...

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Jul 21, 2024 4 Ways to Lower Your AC Costs This Summer

As the summer heat rolls in, the inevitable rise in energy bills often follows. However, there are effective strategies to keep your home cool without breaking the bank. At ...

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