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Dec 27, 2018 Winter Plumbing Tips - Prevent Winter Related Plumbing Problems

It is officially winter, which means that colder, wetter weather is already under way or in the nearby future. Winter brings a whole slew of plumbing problems. From the extra ...

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Feb 07, 2019 Garbage Disposal Tips - Keeping Your Garbage Disposal Happy

When it comes to the working parts of a kitchen, the garbage disposal is one of the hardest working pieces of machinery. Day in day out, it works hard clearing the drain, and ...

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Mar 20, 2019
How to Make Your Home's Plumbing Part of Your Spring Cleaning Checklist

With spring on the horizon, leading California-based home service company Rooter Hero has released tips to help area homeowners ...

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Apr 21, 2019
Springtime Plumbing Tips

With springtime officially underway, now is the perfect time to perform some regular springtime maintenance on your plumbing system. Regular ...

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Jun 13, 2019
Maintenance Tips To Help Your Plumbing Last Longer

The key to making anything last, is regular maintenance. While you may not think about it, your plumbing needs a little maintenance as well in ...

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Jun 25, 2019 How The Summer Heat Can Affect Your Plumbing

With Summertime finally underway we can finally start enjoying those longer days and outdoor activities. But with all the joys that warmer weather brings, there are a few areas ...

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Oct 30, 2019 Myth Busters - Common Plumbing Myths You Might Believe

In every industry, there are myths or misrepresentations that are passed on as facts that simply aren’t true. When it comes to plumbing, many of these “commonly known...

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Nov 24, 2019
Frying Your Turkey This Thanksgiving? How To Dispose Of Oil

Deep frying your Thanksgiving turkey is a delicious way to prepare your bird. When done properly the meat stays nice and juicy while the outside ...

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Dec 24, 2019
Can Your Plumbing Handle The Extra Holiday Pressure? - Holiday Plumbing Tips

Its the most wonderful time of the year! Friends and families are getting together, the whole month of December feels like a nonstop party. While ...

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Feb 13, 2020
How To Prevent Corrosion In Plumbing

You have probably heard the saying “an ounce of prevention is worth its weight in gold”. When it comes to plumbing problems, taking ...

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Mar 18, 2020 In Self Quarantine? Protect Your Plumbing

Plumbing problems are never fun, especially right now when everyone is self quarantining. With all of the craziness that has been going on the last thing you need on your hands ...

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Apr 03, 2020 Do I Need To Clean The Toilet Tank?

Staying up to date on your plumbing maintenance is important in order to keep things functioning properly. Drain cleaning and water heater maintenance are two things that come to...

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