Get $77 Drain Special This Tuesday

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Sep 27 2015

We know our customers are looking for two things: great appliances that use less energy and ways to save money when upgrading to high-efficiency plumbing components and appliances. Thanks to a rebate program offered by the Department of Water Resources (DWR) achieving these two goals is easier than ever. In response to the worsening drought conditions in the state, rebates of up to $100 are available for single-family residences that switch out old, underperforming toilets with new, high-efficiency models that use less water when flushed. The program has a $6 million dollar budget to replace 60,000 toilets across the state. Are you ready to get your rebate? Check out the following conditions to make sure you qualify and act fast. The $6 million dollars allocated for the program will go fast as more and more people become aware of the program and decide to make the switch.

  • Your toilet must have a minimum flush volume of 1.6 gallons per flush.
  • The replacement toilet must have a max flush volume of no more than 1.28 gallons per flush.
  • High-efficiency toilet must be listed on the qualifying models list. This list is over 80 pages long making it quite easy to find a qualifying toilet that fits your budget.
  • Toilets must have been purchased on or after August 12, 2015.

I live in a townhome. Do I qualify? Yes! Per the rebate requirements, single-family residences include townhomes, mobile homes, condominiums, and detached homes. Does the rebate come off the purchase price or installation fee? To receive the rebate, you have to fill out an online application. You’ll receive notice of approval and a rebate check will be mailed to you from the DWR program fund shortly after the approval. Rooter Hero Plumbing or any other California plumbing company you work with is not responsible for submitting the rebate information. How many rebates can I apply for? While it would be nice to be able to replace every toilet in your home and qualify for multiple rebates, the program limits eligible participants only one rebate per household. This restriction in in place to ensure there is enough funding for as many households as possible to take advantage of the program. I still have questions. Can I call you? Absolutely! Our associates are eager to answer your questions and even schedule you for an installation appointment. If you’d prefer to research the information yourself, click here for the program information website. You’ll find answers to additional questions and a list of all qualifying models. When you’re ready to purchase and install a new toilet, give us a call and one of our licensed plumbers will be happy to help you with the installation process.

Dryer Vent Special


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$95 (Reg $195) up to 6 feet. Your dryer's exhaust system can get clogged with lint, which will keep your dryer from functioning properly. As a result the dryer will take longer to dry clothes, and it will also increase your electric bill and create a fire risk.


* Offer Expires: June 2025 Print

Furnace or AC
Safety Inspection


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Per Unit Reg. $229 & Up - Residential homes only. The price does not include filters. Cannot be combined with any other offer.  


* Offer Expires: June 2025 Print

AC Installation


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$500 OFF

Get $500 OFF Today for AC Replacement & Installation - Cannot be combined with any other offer.


* Offer Expires: June 2025 Print