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Aug 17, 2015 Rooter Hero Plumbing Reduces the Risk of Injury with Its Innovative Gas Pipe Repair Services

Rooter Hero Plumbing is a full-service plumbing company. With a team of the most experienced plumbers around, we can take care of all of your plumbing needs quickly and correctly...

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Aug 17, 2015 Rooter Hero Plumbing Reveals Warning Signs That Could Be Putting Your Home in Jeopardy

No one wants to put their home in jeopardy due to safety hazards, but many homeowners are putting their homes at risk every day because they fail to recognize the warning signs ...

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Aug 21, 2015
Do You Need to Replace Your Plumbing?

Whether you own an older home or you live in a new build, eventually you’re going to be faced with the decision of whether or not you need ...

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Sep 01, 2015
Top Commercial Plumbing Projects

Commercial buildings, newly constructed or decades old, face common plumbing problems. These issues, if ignored, can be not only costly to fix, ...

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Oct 10, 2015
4 Tips for Keeping Appliances Leak-free

Dishwashers, water heaters, and laundry machines are just a few examples of the many types of appliances found in the modern home. While these ...

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Oct 29, 2015 Living Off the Grid: Water and Waste Solutions

Whether you want to get off the grid due to personal conviction or simple curiosity, you’ll find that it’s not as challenging as it seems with the proper planning and...

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Oct 30, 2015 Why Kitec Plumbing Is Bad for Your Home

For prospective and current homeowners, the word “Kitec” spells trouble. This brand of plumbing components, manufactured by Canadian company IPEX, was used in many ...

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Oct 31, 2015
Are These Plumbing Monsters Keeping You Up at Night?

Are you having trouble falling asleep at night because of frightening sounds coming from inside your home? Most of the times, these sounds are not...

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Nov 06, 2015
How to Protect Your Family from Toxic Water

Before you fill up that tall glass with water from the tap make sure you know exactly what is in your water. Drinking tap water shouldn’t be...

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Dec 26, 2015
Tips for Preventing Frozen Pipes this Winter

If the weather outside is frightful, a fire may not be enough to keep your home a delightful place to live. As you tune the thermostat to ...

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Dec 28, 2015 Are Your Laundry Habits Destroying Your Pipes?

Many people with laundry machines in their basement give in to the temptation of using pipes to hang their clothes. After all, what solution could be simpler when you run out of ...

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Jan 01, 2016 5 Most Frequently Asked Plumbing Questions

Most people don’t have the time to study the intricacies of all their pipes, fixtures, and appliances, but a little bit of knowledge is both practical and essential for ...

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Jan 02, 2016
Plumbing Changes You Should Make When Renovating Your Home

Is a home renovation project in your future plans? This can be an exciting time, but it can also be quite overwhelming. Not only can a renovation ...

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Jan 03, 2016
Do I Need a Permit when Changing My Plumbing?

No matter what kind of home improvement project you’re undertaking, safety should always be the main priority. Plumbing repairs are no ...

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Jan 04, 2016
Prevent Displaced Tenants with these Plumbing Repairs

Back in April of 2015, a Walmart store in Pico Rivera, CA, closed its doors indefinitely due to plumbing problems that the company says were a ...

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Jan 07, 2016 Common Plumbing Problems for Arizona Residents

Don’t let mild desert winters fool you into thinking you don’t need to winterize your plumbing system. Arizona homes and businesses are just as much at risk of ...

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Jan 09, 2016 What Is the Difference between Pipe Bursting vs. Pipe Relining

Broken water pipes or sewer lines require fast and precise repairs. In the past, cured-in-place (CIPP) lining was the go-to repair method. CIPP continues to be cost-effective and...

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Jan 14, 2016
How to Prevent and Thaw Frozen Pipes

Preparation and a little bit of education can go a long way toward helping you avoid the mess and expense that frozen pipes can cause. Even in ...

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Jan 19, 2016
Are Your Basic Commercial Infrastructure Needs being Met?

Commercial properties require working plumbing components to keep their businesses running. If there is a part of the plumbing infrastructure that...

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Jan 23, 2016
How Your Hard Water Is Affecting Your Plumbing

The quality of the water at your house has a direct effect on energy costs. Did you know that some estimates suggest that just one-eighth of an ...

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Feb 10, 2016 Why Is My Water Pressure So Low?

Low water pressure can make the simplest tasks such as doing laundry and washing dishes very difficult. When water pressure is low, taking a shower can be a frustrating ...

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Feb 12, 2016 How Galvanized Plumbing Could Cost You Thousands

Homeowners living in homes built before the 1980s may have hidden plumbing issues on the verge of costing them thousands of dollars. This is because many homes built prior to ...

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Nov 09, 2020
When Do You Need Whole House Repiping

Did you recently move into an older home? Has your existing plumbing system been severely neglected over the past few decades? While trenchless ...

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Dec 14, 2020
How to Insulate Outdoor Water Pipes

Has the temperature begun to drop, and you are concerned about the condition of your outdoor water pipes? If so, then you might consider investing...

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Mar 19, 2022
Can Pipe Under Concrete Be Repaired?

Have you been suspecting that a significant leak or blockage is inside your underground pipe? This can be difficult for property owners to deal ...

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Mar 09, 2023 Myths vs. Facts About Pipe Bursting

Plumbing is an age-old trade, and there has been incredible progress in the industry through the years, decades, and centuries. One of the latest innovations is pipe bursting, a ...

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Apr 23, 2023 How to Fix a Leaky Pipe Without Replacing It

Encountering a leaky pipe can be both frustrating and worrisome. With the potential for water damage and repairs looming overhead, many people quickly assume that pipe ...

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Jul 22, 2023
The Importance Of Pipe Descaling

In the puzzling world of plumbing, where pipes weave their way like hidden arteries beneath our homes and buildings, a silent menace lurks: scale ...

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