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Aug 25 2019

Most people haven't given much thought to what is lurking inside of their vents. They turn the heater or air conditioning on, and merrily go about their way. The HVAC system circulates air throughout the house through a network of vents. These vents can start to accumulate all kinds of stuff over time, which in turn gets distributed throughout the home when the system is engaged. If you haven’t had your vents cleaned, chances are the air quality in your home is suffering. So What is living in your vents? 

Debris That Accumulates Over Time

The vent system is susceptible to all kinds of debris build up over time. Some of the most common types of debris that gets trapped in your vents include: dust, dirt, pollen, pet dander, pet hair, bacteria, germs, mold, and mildew. These things can greatly affect the air quality in your home causing irritation and sickness, especially for anyone who is immune compromised, or suffers from allergies.   In addition to causing sickness and allergies, dirty vents can obstruct the flow of air, making your unit work harder and less efficiently. This can greatly impact the effectiveness of your HVAC system, as well as the longevity. The harder you work your system, the more prone it is to breaking down. This can also increase your operating costs, as it requires more energy to maintain a comfortable temperature in your home.   

Improve The Air Quality In Your Home

You can improve the air quality in your home, by having your vents cleaned on a regular basis. Annually is a good idea, perhaps more depending on the area you live in. For example, if you live in an area that has a high pollen count, or if you have pets, you may want to consider more frequent cleaning.    By having the vents cleaned on a regular basis, you remove all of the nasty stuff that collects inside of your vents. This allows for fresh clean air to be circulated, therefore improving the air quality in your home.  

Don't Forget The Filters

Another way you can improve the air quality in your home is to clean or change your air filters regularly. Some filters are designed to be cleaned, while others are disposable. Regardless of the kind of filter you have, it is important to stay up to date on maintenance. Your HVAC system has two sets of filters, one for outside and one for inside. To improve the quality in your home and also the performance of your system, those filters need to be maintained. This should be part of the regular maintenance for your HVAC system, however you may want to change or clean the filters several times a year depending on your needs. If you suffer from allergies, or have pets, you may want to switch out the filters more frequently.   Want to improve the air quality of your home and also improve the efficiency and effectiveness of your HVAC system? Have your vents cleaned today! In addition, don’t forget to schedule regular maintenance for your HVAC. Winter is just around the corner, make sure your heater is ready to go! To schedule your appointment click here  

Dryer Vent Special


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$95 (Reg $195) up to 6 feet. Your dryer's exhaust system can get clogged with lint, which will keep your dryer from functioning properly. As a result the dryer will take longer to dry clothes, and it will also increase your electric bill and create a fire risk.


* Offer Expires: June 2025 Print

Furnace or AC
Safety Inspection


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Per Unit Reg. $229 & Up - Residential homes only. The price does not include filters. Cannot be combined with any other offer.  


* Offer Expires: June 2025 Print

AC Installation


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$500 OFF

Get $500 OFF Today for AC Replacement & Installation - Cannot be combined with any other offer.


* Offer Expires: June 2025 Print